Tips and Strategy for Preparing for the HPSC HCS Exam

HPSC HCS Exam Prep | Expert Tips & Strategies | Chetan Bharat Learning

How Should You Prepare for the HPSC HCS Exam?


The HPSC HCS Exam consists of three stages. The pattern of the HPSC Prelims Exam is nearly the same as that of the UPSC CSE Exam.


Chetan Bharat Learning offers the best Haryana HCS offline Coaching in Chandigarh. We will explore the Tips and Strategy for preparing for the next HPSC HCS Exam in this article, "How To Prepare HPSC HCS Exam?" Aspirants should prepare for the HPSC HCS Exam as follows.


Proper Study Plan For HPSC HCS Exam

The HPSC HCS Exam  requires a concentrated effort of more than a year. So, Preparing Proper Study Plan is a must. One must be aware that every individual has a different way of studying and thus the Study Plan should be according to an individual’s need. The study plan should be both convenient and fruitful.


Reading Newspapers

Reading newspapers is essential for Civil Service preparation. As a result, reading the newspaper can assist a candidate grasp what is going on in the national and worldwide arenas. The newspaper reports on current national and international happenings.


What Should You Read in the Newspaper? The editorial, Major National And International Events, Sports Related Events, Awards, Important Personalities, Science & Technology Related News, and so on. Reading weekly special issues on science and technology, the environment, art and culture, and other topics is also quite beneficial. Candidates should pay careful attention to Haryana state news because straight questions from the state news may be asked.


Which Newspaper Is It Best To Read? One important state newspaper for raising awareness of state issues and one national newspaper for raising awareness of national issues. Times Of India, The Hindu, Dainik Jagran, Dainik Bhaskar, and other publications are examples.


Reading NCERT Books

Candidates should begin reading NCERT books for each topic in order to prepare for the HPSC HCS Exam. Candidates should begin their preparation with NCERT books because they are an authentic source of factual and analytical information.


Reading Standard Reference Materials

Following completion of the NCERT books, applicants should read the standard textbooks for specific courses. Standard Reference Books should be carefully chosen in accordance with the syllabus of the HPSC HCS Exam.


Preparing HPSC Current Affairs Notes

Current events form the foundation of HPSC HCS Exam  preparation because the questions in the HCS Prelims and Main Exam are heavily affected by current events.

Candidates should focus on state-centric topics in addition to national current affairs.


However, current affairs cover a wide range of topics, so a serious aspirant should prepare daily current affairs notes when studying for the HPSC HCS Exam. This will aid in the simplification of matters.

Newspapers, government websites, state government press notes, economic surveys (national and state), Yojana Magazine, Kurukshetra Magazine, Chronicle Magazine, and so on.

Solving Mock Tests For HPSC Prelims

The HPSC HCS prelims test is an objective type paper, with  negative marking. As a result, solving mock test papers is essential for applicants to train their minds to eliminate the incorrect option. On a regular basis, previous year question papers should be solved and analysed.


HPSC Mains Answer Writing Practise

The HPSC HCS Preliminary Exam is simply a qualifying exam, and the overall merit is determined by the HPSC HCS Mains Exam and Interview Marks. As a result, every serious aspirant should write the answers on a daily basis for at least a year. This will improve their performance in the actual exam.


Making Self-Notes

Self-prepared notes are the greatest way to prepare for any exam, including the HPSC HCS Exam. Candidates should start with complex notes and then progress to short notes or point-by-point notes. Candidates should organise their notes so that they can find any topic in the shortest period of time. The notes are quite useful during exam time. Self-prepared notes help in rapid revision.



Revision is a crucial element of HPSC HCS preparation or any other test preparation. Candidates should review the study material once within the first 24 hours. The second revision should be completed within a few weeks, and the third revision should be completed within a month. After three revisions, candidates should plan for another revision in three months.


So, the above mentioned Tips and Strategy is a way forward to Prepare HPSC HCS Exam. You can succeed in the exam with the assistance and direction of Chetan Bharat Learning. We offer the best Haryana HCS Coaching in Chandigarh. However, every candidate should be well aware about one’s strengths and weaknesses and should prepare accordingly. But, one thing is crystal clear that the Tips and Strategy provided here, if followed thoughtfully, will be greatly helpful to prepare for the Haryana HCS Exam. 

Read more about How to prepare for HCS Exam: 7 Easy Preparation Tips For HCS Exam